Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter's Grace

I saw a frozen dewdrop on a thorn of a cactus.
"Are you here?", I asked.

"Yes sugar", whispered winter.

I live in a hot city. Snowy hills, white roads and frozen lakes aren't here.
I never glided, I never skated.
But still I love winter. I found a silent grace in Winter's footsteps.
I love it when I'm alone at my balcony at a wintry dawn with my hands under the warm wrapper around me and the city sleeps.

And the nights with frozen stars and cold loneliness.
I love every bit of it.

Winter makes me feel like a lone teardrop. There's something so romantic about it.
Yet, I don't long for some warmth in my cold nights. I want to be hurt, more hurt and alone.
A love for pain winter brings in me.
…I don't know why and how.

1 week passed by.
I woke up being all sweaty and dizzy.
I came out in the balcony; the sun was still beyond the horizon. I closed my eyes and muttered “Are you here?”
No answer.
I asked again, “Are you here winter?”
I smelled something. Oh god, I was perspiring and stinking!!

It’s painful to live the whole year and not taste winter.
It came, slowly, and it was gone before I could take out my woolen sweaters.
Oh come on, how winter can be cold about my feeling towards it and my woolen outfits?
Hey wait….it’s his nature, ain’t it? -_-

I have been to wonderful winter wonderlands, and I love it.
Why can’t it snow here?
I am tired of finding its hidden grace in lanes and corners of this dirty dirty hot city [not really]. But wait, I don’t wanna live here in winter. I want to runaway to a snowy place; I want to sit beside campfire on a mountain side. I want to play in snow, I want to crawl under blankets and warm sheets and enjoy the empty cold afternoons.
I want to live in a house with snow covered top and frosted trees around.
And all I get is a chilly dawn and semi-chilly early morning. Hardly 3 hours. Y_Y

Don’t you ever want to get lost in dark snowy forest of Oaks, Beeches and Pines?
Well, I want and this dream ends up with horns of rickshaws and autos.

And my winter is for sure not silent when I’m with such a noisy pile of humans. I won’t even be surprised if I get waked up by loud farts and unfamiliar family screams <_<

I need to get rid of it ASAP. I’ll score nice marks, take a nice job and escape.
I recalled something just now….

*opens text book in urgency*


Note : The photo is by Niladri.


Americanising Desi said...

and you are indeed missed but then my stupid busy ness is just driving me insane. i hope to be back soon but right now catching up with your melody and loving your tunes :)

Vighnesh said...


The Heretic Teen said...

@AD, thanks a lot xD
be back soon. I need your scribblings to survive every week :P

@Viggy, Dorks like you do that. -_-

Ally said...

I loved how you wrote that =)
I am completely with you on that one,I feel the same about winter.
I used to live in a hot city and its been only a year since I moved here.This city has the chilliest winter ever.Temperature drops to 1 or 2 degress but it never snows here =( I am dressed in an over sized sweater but I still feel cold.
Oh, I think I have said too much :D

Destiny's child... said...

I want to complain too...why can't it snow in Kerala...oh why oh why? :(
I love winters so much...earlier decembers used to be 'kind of' cold here.But this year..its just swelterign hot!
Anyway, happy christmas :)

The Heretic Teen said...

@Ally, at least you can feel the cold. I can't do that too :[
put another over-over-sized sweater xD
thanks for liking it :)

@Veena, lets make a atmosphere cooler team, we would turn the atmosphere cooler by pollution of different kind xD
I know I am lame :P
Happyyyyy Christmas ^__^

NesQuarX said...

Ahh winter, so many reasons to love it... And when it's someone's winter, it's just their winter. That's what makes it so special.

The Heretic Teen said...

^wow! nice aspect <3

PULKIT said...

aritry, I love the way u write. You have a great potential. god bless!

Aritry said...

^^Thanks a lot.
keep visiting :D